Body flexibility isn't the only thing that helps create a healthy mind and body...

Welcome to understanding your body and mind connected better.
Think of your brain and body connection and think of the different brain frequencies and how a different state will help you achieve different feelings and action.
When your brain is at ease with your body and as they 'in sync' you can perform better and not feel as anxious or stress.
Think of your brain and body as having an ongoing conversation at all times and that the language of communication is called hertz.
Keeping your understanding of how you feel and a healthy mind body connection is essential for you to be able to adapt to different things during each day...
Whether you realise it or not the impact of your brain hertz is affecting your everyday life and hypnotherapy and a great coaching session can help alleviate pressure and achieve greater balance for work, play and home ...
In order to understand your body, it is imperative to understand your brain and not over stretch how you live and be able to balance how you work, live, love and enjoy life.
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Flexibility is the key & learning how to balance
In order to understanding it better you can relate with how the brain hertz is categorised into delta, theta, alphan, beta and gamma waves.
Delta is deep dreamless sleep, or when there is a loss of consciousness or anesthesia
Theta is the next step up which is drowsiness or superficial sleep, daydreaming, deep meditation
Alpha is generally normal relaxed physical and mental condition
Beta is active wakefulness, thinking, mild apprehensive attitude and excitement
Gamma is Increased attention, complex problems resolution, educational and cognitive process
For some people, they are unable to relax at night and don't realise that studying at night may not be good for them whilst others are able to read and study with no problems.
During a coaching session your brain will generally go from Alpha to Gamma, and in a hypnotherapy session you will go from Theta to Beta.
Often the greatest joys in life are felt when we feel elation and when our body senses coherence, and we feel at peace or a full sense of how we want to feel at any given moment.
Understanding how you can enjoy life more is part of the journey....
Understanding your brain waves and your own feelings are some of the keys to enjoying life more, feeling more motivated and getting the results you desire.
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