HeartMath is a system of simple and powerful self-regulation techniques which are easy to learn and designed to be used “in the moment” and that whatever the situation you can bring your best self to your professional, social and personal lives simply by practising the techniques.
According to hearmaths.com -
“For more than 25 years, HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.
HeartMath helps you tap into the power and intelligence of your heart – your heart’s intuition – which awakens you to the best version of yourself”
Studies conducted with over 11,500* people have shown improvements in mental and emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology.
24% improvement in the ability to focus
30% improvement in sleep
38% improvement in calmness
46% drop in anxiety
48% drop in fatigue
56% drop in depression
I am a Heartmath Coach and strongly believe that it is one of the greatest additions to one’s mindfulness practice. It is not difficult to do and is based on science and works with how you breathe and regulate your breathing.
The background to Hearthmath breathing is based on one’s breathing and the heart and brain (body) connections.
HeartMath breathing is said to help you to transform your stress into resilience, to achieve higher levels of performance and to live your life with more heart, health and happiness. It is said to be a system of simple and powerful self-regulation techniques which are easy to learn and designed to be used “in the moment”, whatever the situation, meaning that you can bring your best self to your professional, social and personal lives.
And what makes HeartMath unique is that you can practise the techniques using their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence biofeedback app and sensor giving you real-time insight into your emotional, mental and physical state. This increases your self-awareness and helps you to develop the ability to self-regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
Measuring and practising coherence of Heart Rate Variability means that physiologically, the Coherence state is marked by the development of a smooth, sine-wave like pattern in the heart-rate variability (HRV) trace.
This characteristic pattern is the primary indicator of the psychophysiological Coherence state, and it is what our emWave® and Inner Balance™ biofeedback technologies measure and can quantify.
Several important physiological changes occur during Coherence which are based on the two branches of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) synchronising with one another, and there is an overall shift in autonomic balance towards increased parasympathetic activity apparently.
There is also increased physiological entrainment – various different bodily systems synchronise to the rhythm generated by the heart (see image below). Finally, there is increased synchronisation between the activity of the heart and brain.
Heartmath breathing can take place with eye open and shut, sitting, walking or lying down and an example of how to practice is as follows;
· Focus your attention on the area of your heart
· Shift your focus and pretend that the air that you are breathing is flowing through your heart instead of flowing through your nose…
· Find a smooth easy rhythm, and continue to breath this way
· Keep imagining in your mind’s eye and make a sincere attempt to experience a regenerative feeling such as appreciation or care for something or someone as you are breathing (a loved one, nature, a pet, etc.)
· Allow those feelings to take over your entire body as you continue allowing your main focus to be flowing through you heart.
· Focus on the feeling of calm and ease as you keep breathing through your heart.
According to the Heartmaths website
The Difference between Coherence and Relaxation is;
“Coherence is not relaxation, it is a separate state within the Autonomic Nervous System and it is a state which is more appropriate for many of our daily activities. It is a “doing’ state which enables you to be flexible and adaptable to demands as opposed to being too relaxed.
An important point is that the state of coherence is both psychologically and physiologically distinct from the state achieved through most relaxation techniques. At the physiological level, relaxation is characterised by an overall reduction in autonomic outflow (resulting in lower HRV) and a shift in ANS balance towards increased parasympathetic activity.”
We consult and coach in Heartmaths breathing and highly recommend it to enhance greater awareness, and can be used to reduce anxiety, assist with the preparation of an interview or discussion and has overall mindfulness benefits.
We recommend an explorative session to learn how to best utilise this interesting and powerful technique which can be done over the telephone, on zoom or in person.