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Getting Support With Court Or Legal Matters Is Wise

Sandra Hoffmann

The decision to hire a Life or Executive Coach prior or during a court case we believe can be imperative and assist in many regards and help you to decide whether you want to pursue and go to court in the first place.

There are of course those situations where you ‘have to go to court’, and other times where you may want to take someone to court or decide to go to court to have your say and give evidence.

Now we speak about court cases because the stress involved in having to go to court can be outrageous regardless of whether a person wants to go or not.

The reasons to hire a Life or Executive coach can be infinite and in this regard can often help you enormously in;

  • Decision making – knowing what to do, what to say or who else to hire

  • Preparation – understanding what not to reveal unless asked and gaining the greatest support group available to you

  • Communication – knowing how to appear confident and genuine, being polite and succinct to everyone during that time

  • Preparation of giving evidence – prompt your memories of events and being precise

  • Overcoming & dealing with anxiousness - enhance your confidence, deal with the enormous stressors

One of the biggest issues about going to court is that it can create overwhelming anxiety and stress and is considered one of the biggest stressors of one's life.

Identifying areas of anxiousness prior to the actual court date and trying to determine what may trigger an emotional outburst and trying to avoid it is important.

Emotional outbursts in court or on the stand are not tolerated by the presiding judge and although a lawyer should go through matters prior, sometimes the pressures can push even the ‘coolest person’ over the edge.

When it comes to preparation, a coach can assist in going through areas of concern, worries and hesitations to better assist you to cope when you are on the stand.

It is so important to understand all of your rights and whether you even need to go to court.

Then there are many situations where court can be avoided altgother and a person is given wrong advise which is not known until after the case.

There are many situations where the matter can be mediated which involved all parties getting together and discussing how they can avoid court.

This is often the case with family law mediation where often couples will attend a mediation, a room at the court-house or sometimes the lawyers to discuss how to obtain a result with out going to court.

The beauty about going to see a coach is that you have someone who is totally focused on helping and supporting you!

They have no ulterior motive or plans to deviate you from achieving your goal and are totally there to help you.

A professional coach is suitably trained in how to ask questions and aims to keep the client at ease during dialogue.

But the best part about hiring a coach is that you have someone there who truly and totally is there and who wants to listen to what you are saying.

It is important here to hire someone who has experience in court matters, and better still someone who understands the legal system and even mediation.

Having over 12 years as an investigator and helped many people proceed to court and having trained in mediation with the LEADR, Lawyers Engaged in Dispute Resolution, I understand some of the problems associated with this area.

You need to prepare for a court case and with the associated stress can come a multitude of issues and problems and here we try to help limit them by addressing;

Relationships – understanding the pressures that people associated with the matter may be feeling and asking them if they need more support

  • Community – realising that people close to you such as your neighbours may hear you arguing more than usual and perhaps talk to them

  • Money – going to court can be incredibly expensive and may even result in more fine and understanding the repercussions and how to deal with it

  • Jail time – the realisation that the court matter may result in jail time and how to deal with this prior to reduce long term stress

  • Support – gaining the best support and advice from sources that will assist from beginning to end and be there for the long haul

  • Addictions – generally if you have addictions they tend to get worse during this time and getting additional support is essential so that you don’t spiral

Hiring a lawyer is not necessarily the only person that you need to hire when deciding on going to court and it is important to understand all the repercussions associated with it emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

The entire period may last a short time or a long time and i know of family court matters that have dragged out for five year and they still had to deal with;

Partners – communicating concerns and listening to their worries and attempting to work through them as they may sometimes pull away or leave

Work – maintaining the same level of performance during times of more stress may require more attention especially when asking for taking time off work

Family – maintaining relationships that are important and essential

Children – understanding that they may not understand what is going on and could be feeling enormous pressure, confusion or a sense of responsibility. noticing how they are performing especially at school and perhaps speaking with their teachers

Friendships – maintaining relationships where sometimes peoples views can change and trying to cope when people pull away or ignore you

Nutrition & health – more attention may be necessary or taking additional supplements or a visit to one’s practitioner to deal with issues better or doing meditation more, getting more massages, or stretching or walking more

Money matters – trying to adjust your budget as you have extra expenses such as the lawyer which will probably cost thousands and determining whether you need to get a bank loan or cc, re-mortgage, asking someone for assistance

One of the biggest things is facing associated fears oneself and then helping others to go through them as well.

If the matter is for you personally or a loved one or someone you know well, the entire process can be quite daunting. In all matters that proceed to court, one always hopes for the best but prepares for the worst.

The pressures that can be associated with a court case can be enormous and if you are already suffering from a mental illness we definitely suggest gaining the greatest support available to you to get through this time in your life.

Sometimes you can get free support which you will need to apply for and regardless of one's financial status it may mean more visits to your health or medical practitioner, calling a local support group, getting a counsellor and having as much support as possible. There are many telephone support groups that can assist in this regard.

Depending upon your own needs and desires, hiring a Life and Executive Coach during this incredibly stressful time may just be the answer you are looking for.

Telephone 044 777 0011 on Reduce Stress Now for further information

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