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Deciding: See Your Coach Or Visit The Doctor?

Sandra Hoffmann

Seeing your Coach is an essential part of enhancing and supporting your life journey, as according to the book From Pain & Injury to Healthy & Happy by Scott Wescombe a physiotherapist and from Western Australia;

“Health is not just the absence of sickness. It is the active pursuit of joy, happiness and the maximal expression of skills and talents.

In other words, we need to be expressing ourselves in some ways through our skills and talents whatever this may means exactly as it affects our health and here at RSN this is about the exploration that comes through coaching and hypnotherapy.

Society seems to have us in what feels like a circus sometimes of, work – play – doctor – rest. If we are not mindful of the cycles of pain and suffering in this 'merry-go-around', it can render us feeling very stressed and not happy, or joyful or utilising our best skills or talents to our best abilities.

In fact, Wescombe quotes many interesting things in this fabulous book such as the realisation that going to a doctor may not uncover what’s actually ailing us by stating;

“When you visit your doctor, does he or she spend any time exploring how happy you are, how fulfilled you are, and how much joy there is I your life?”

I love this question as it is emphasises the root of the problem of our ‘medical system’ and that we may not get to the ‘root’ of our problems when we visit a doctor and this is a major problem.

I find it refreshing that someone who works in the established medical system was questioning in writing about the ways of the established medical system and this makes for an interesting read.

Wescombe goes on to mention that in a survey of Australia's GP activity, the Australian Institute of Wealth and Welfare found that prescriptions were recorded at rates of 83 per 100 encounters. This means that out of 100 people, 83 were given a prescription of some sort, and then it was up to them to take it or not.

I could not find similar studies made in Australia but I assume it could be quite similar as we tend to mirror their model of medicine and system.

He then continues to quote that almost half of Americans (48.7%) had used at least one prescription medication in the past thirty days and more than 10% had used five or more prescription drugs. This is alot of medication being consumed without perhaps even understanding or questioning the individual about what may be troubling them.

How can we transform our ways of being and in society if the structure is set up in a ways to move people in one way faster than any other way? Here, we need to be more observant and explore our skills and talents more to help support our way of being and seek professionals that ask us questions about what is going on in our lives to help to address it.

Our skills and talents are basically things that we do and therefore we hope that we can learn to master better and our talents are what we feel and seem to come more naturally.

We have people coming to RSN from all walks of life coming for life and executive coaching and hypnotherapy, and often this is to just confirm that what they feel is ‘right for them’ and that they are making the best choices for their life.

As health is not just the absence of sickness we need to review how we are feeling about what we are doing in times when we are feeling good and monitor what is working, and potentially could be enhanced and keep it this way.

Simple steps can often help as coaching can supply an excellent sound board for ideas, hesitations or concerns, both positive and negative.

In order to stay ahead of the ‘game’ per say we need to address a number of things regularly such as;

· Nutrition

· Exercise (includes meditation, mindfulness, olloominating)

· Sleep

· Relationships

· Fun & joy

“From here we can identify our stress eliminators, what helps to reduce our stress and our time wasters and learn to resolve not to do particular things.” Sandra Hoffmann

Here we aim and can often identify what is working and what is not as you come to look at each one individually and decide or determine how to enhance each area to its maximum greater potential and enjoy life more.

Stress elimination or annihilation is not simple and we already know that it can be a killer and hijacks one’s immune system rendering the body’s defense system vulnerable to attack for all sorts of pathogens and can make us feel miserable.

High levels of stress and anxiety, poor exercise, poor sleep, and 'bad' nutrition can make lifestyle changes all but impossible trapping a person in a downward spiral and feeling helpless I am cycle of ill health and poor energy.

We need a system that works for most people and as the reports of stress and anxiety rises, so too does our apprehensions and seeking the right professional guidance can supercharge your physical body and daily emotions.

Here with coaching and hypnotherapy we aim to help stop self-sabotage, to support people in choosing one’s preferred courses of action to create their future, and to enjoy a greater if not more extraordinarily meaningful life of joy.

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