Getting off drugs is not often simple.
Whether it be Life or Executive Coaching or Hypnotherapy, for yourself or for a loved one, the aim in coaching is to help and support an individual trying to manage their lives in healthier ways.
The whole point of hiring a coach is to get access to professional attention so that the individual can be professionally guided along one's chosen (healthiest) path.
A Coach here is there to provide support, suggestions and guidance you may need - that's the whole point, but we won't support lying and are quite vocal about it during a session.
In the area of drug habits there is often also a gauntlet of emotions denial, shame, and guilt, just to name a few and sadly people often replace the addiction for drugs with over-eating, scratching, exercising or worse. Getting help earler is obviously the best intervention.
Life and Executive Coaching and Hypnotherapy can be significantly beneficial for infinite reasons as it can help to keep a person, 'on track' and find healthiest ways to achieve results and assist with balancing work, relationships and life.
Here, there are some similarities in counselling and Coaching in that we are both attempting to assist with;
Time manage how to work, study and save - live better with less anxiety
Focus on achieving goals which at first feel out of reach - 'a reality check'
Manage anxieties relating to court matters and fears
Help deal with a significant relationship albeit – mother, father, carer, in-laws, friends
Dealing with loss or grief of one’s lifestyle or image
Work related problems or concerns - lack of work or not balancing responsibilities well
Sleeping problems and anxiety relating to resting
Eating problems, body image and weight control
Heart palpitations or breathing concerns
Other physical ailments as a result of drug taking
Help deal with hospitalisation or feeling alienated
Dealing with anger, anxiety and the emotional aspects of change
Life & Executive Coaching are similar in many ways to counselling and therapy as discussed in previous blogs also in that we help to support the individual and assist with supporting them to gain the specific tools and behaviours to attain results.
Counsellors or therapists however do not often share stories about themselves whereas a coach often does show share more about their own life experiences and how they have overcome hurdles in their own lives.
Life Coaching alone can help focus on an infinite array of areas including communication, stress and anxiety management and exercise and nutrition and is here to help with;
Giving a solid foundational support
Uncovering limiting beliefs keeping people stuck
Gaining self-appreciation
Helping to gain or re-gain confidence
Achieving goals faster and with more of a sense of ease
Establishing healthier habits
Supporting with eliminating unhealthy/ bad habits
Supporting improving relationships
Saving time and time management - resolving issues faster
Saving money and expenditure
Feeling more rejuvenated - proud of self and new achievements
Creating healthier behaviour to support their real desired results
Lately we’ve also found many people stating that they are finding coping with money or making a living very difficult and trying to ‘get ahead’ the most difficult. Others sadly say that they are not wanting to be seen as ‘wishy washy’ as they are still renting which is not uncommon.
Sometimes it's a matter of getting a different perspective on one's life's choices and definitely getting help or support sooner can save a lot of time, anguish and keep some situations more contained especially when dealing with drugs of any kind.
Sometimes the reason for the drug intake is a result of a trauma and we agree that trauma of an event can be catastrophic but also the time spent re-hashing the trauma and not getting professional help is tragic in itself. Not getting professional support sooner is often key and sadly we often see people that have wallowed in their own misery for decades and when they finally get coaching it is a great relief.
When a person is stressed and is taking drugs or has tried to avoid getting help obviously the issues can get worse as it comes to affects their;
Relationships relating to home life and living becoming violent or aggressive
Growth, change and transitioning feels non existent or not healthy
Addictions change – medicated and non-medicated drugs (or both)
Sleep or insomnia worsens
Energy loss deteriorates - lethargy or adrenaline
Money matters – loss, gain, over-spending
Motivation & desire feels like it is non-existent
Sensing heart palpitation & breathing concerns
Ability to manage anxiety and pain has lessoned
Stress & anxiety management – Exercise & Nutrition is not healthy
Difficulties with relationships – partners, carer, child, in-laws, long term friends
Time managing is hectic - study, recreation, commitments,
Behaviours - lying or stealing wherever they can or from friends, work or family specifically
Work capabilities and motivation deteriorates or they lose their job
Anxieties dealing with the prospects of jail time
We are also finding many executives in their late 20's who are not given the support they need at work or work come to us rather than a parent. Often they do not want to reveal to their employer that they have been prescribed medication or that they are taking recreational drugs and will come to us for help and support to work through their problems and issues.
Executive Coaching includes all of the above, and also focuses on how one’s life is being impacted or being affected by their work and also the specific skills, behaviours or attributes that the need to assist them in their executive capacity.
Executive Coaching here may involve focusing on one’s;
Leadership skills and abilities – influencing others in particular ways
Handling expenses & accounting
Time management – time for self
Understanding legalities
Motivation - knowing limitations, exploring boundaries
Giving speeches & networking
Communication in motivating others, especially in relationships of importance
Communication in conflict resolution
Hiring and firing capabilities
Decision making – time efficiencies & transitioning
Stress & anxiety management
Exercising efficiently & Nutrition
Addictions and ADHD
Managing pain & medication
Image & Public Relations (Social Media)
Accounting – raising funds, managing, delegating
Travel considerations
Time away from home management
In an executive capacity, it may mean someone who is in an executive, works in upper management, corporate, is on a company board, be it a director or secretary of a company, or influences others in authority etc.
Here in both Life and Executive Coaching we focus on assisting the person to also look at a wide variety of things in their life and how they are dealing with;
Spending their time wisely
Delegating tasks
Working through negative emotions such as guilt or remorse
Stress & anxiety management – exercise & nutrition
Treating people, relationships & communication outcomes
How they are being allowed to be treated
Thinking about their past
Approaching their future
Scheduling fun into their life
Understanding their personal reputation
In sessions lately we also notice that there is a lot more information readily available and a lot of people spending a lot of time searching for information but seemingly not focusing on resolving the issues themselves costing them alot of time and money in the interim.
In both Life & Executive Coaching we have found initially that some people just want to keep justifying their situation and it then takes longer to work through the issues continuing including when the person is;
Focusing too much time on personal responsibilities trying to fix global problems instead of one’s own issues
Blaming the housing crisis making people feel helpless to find a home to buy or rent instead of contacting local, state and national government or doing something practical about it
Overspending on trying to look the part and maintaining an image beyond one's means
Having Social media addictions covered up by claiming they are information surfing
Maintaining mobile phone and messaging addictions during work, meals and during a session
Blaming climate change responsibilities and having a sense of doom and gloom causing feelings of almost inertia, panic and anger
Continuing to blame their parents for separating or making their childhood unbearable for them
Creating a lack of personal responsibility or attention seeking behaviours
Luckily, most people come to coaching wanting transform their lives in more positive ways. Although we are finding alot of parents calling us at their ‘whits end’ wanting us to coach their children and not wanting to be involved in the process.
As mentioned previously, coaches tend to share more of their history with a client, than a counsellor or therapist does and therefore more understanding or even empathy can often be shared during a session.
At RSN there are many more options these days with zoom or video conferencing, telephone calls and face to face at work or at our office which makes maintaining coaching more affordable and effective.
The best policy here is to address issues faster, at any age and is honesty regarding what has been done recently or in the past that has led a person to require needing greater support and taking ownership and accountability for one’s actions and repercussions are key.
Seldom in my career have I seen a person tell their general practitioner that they are taking a prescribed drug with a recreational drug and this can cause such chaos, ill-health, anxiety and stress in a person’s life. They will however be more inclined to tell their therapist or coach and here it opens the door to often be able to then resolve or fix the issues in a timelier and efficient manner.
Dealing with the real prospects of jail time can be debilitating and honesty in life, a coaching or a therapy session is often key, saves time and is like a breath of fresh air that allows progress to take place faster and for people lives to be healed and get back on track.