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Closing Your Eyes To Help The Overload Of Our Visual Connections Within Our Information Systems

Sandra Hoffmann

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hypnotherapy and meditation allows us to rest our visual information systems (our eyes and how we process visually) which we seldom do and to embrace the sounds and smells around us and to trust more in a world that we hear and feel to allow us to explore ourselves differently through our internal visualisations and other senses.

"Hypnotherapy sessions allow us to close our eyes and consent to exploring our internal visualisation mode to express itself differently and to trust our bodies and information systems differently...

Often we have forgotten the art of day dreaming and telling stories to help us during the day as it is an important part of our internal information systems to not just rely on our sense of vision alone”

Our senses are so much more than just what we see but seldom in today’s modern world due we tune off enough and have become so heavily reliant on what we see especially on our tablets and computers, videos, mobiles and surfing the internet.

The rapid pace and the speed of information is adding to the stress and anxiety and in today’s modern living we definitely have less face to face interactions but rely more on our visual information systems to process our world and we need to be more mindful of how it is actually making us feel.

Now therapy is also changing as people want to stay at home or at the office and utilise zoom and the telephone for their hypnotherapy sessions but in the process we need to be even more aware of our bodies and how our information systems rely too heavily on our sense of sight.

We need to learn to literally tune off and calm our brain hertz which affects how we feel and our eyes and in a hypnotherapy session it allows us to explore more of our other senses of hearing, sounds, touch smell and taste as we get taken on a journey allowing our visualisations a greater sense of play.

How we process the incoming and outgoing information and our visual connections is quite significant because we often rely too heavily on information that we see to process the outside world unless of course we are visually impaired.

We rely on all our senses but our visual connections and visual acuity is the most involved and often if we feel overloaded or have sore eyes or feel like closing our eyes it is because we are feeling so overwhelmed through our overloaded sight information systems

Many of us are often feeling so overly stimulated and in therapy the benefits of hypnotherapy and just closing one’s eyes whilst discussing an issue can be so soothing and relaxing not to mention highly beneficial and change how we think and feel about an issue.

Mindfulness techniques are also tremendous in assisting with understanding how to alleviate stressors as visual communication is an essential part of our information system and helps to bridge the gaps that traditional word-focused communication can have.

Visual communication itself is the process of using visual elements to communicate ideas, information, and data and include visual elements such as photos, videos, graphs, typography, charts, maps, illustrations, but there is so much more to explore and often the pace of the internet and our lifestyles is just too fast.

An overload of our information systems due to having to cope with trying to process so much visual information is not surprising and often just closing one’s eyes in a therapy session will induce a high sigh of relief in a client.

To release stress and anxiety many experts are now suggesting completely shutting off from all devices for anything from 30 minutes to three hours or as much as possible. We also suggest placing an eye cover over one’s eyes periodically during the day wherever possible to just give one’s eyes a total break.

The reality is just adjusting a little every day can help our other information systems of sounds, feelings and our sensory networks to engage differently in our world and give our eyes a break and to learn to day-dream and embrace our environments differently.

To enjoy the multitude of benefits hypnotherapy or learning how to meditate more successfully please contact us on 044 777 0011 or send an email to to arrange a complimentary consultation.

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