Reduce Stress Now
About Reduce Stress Now
Reduce Stress Now explores exciting new ways to help people re-balance, re-energise, harmonise & transform wellness, relationships & vitality
We provide services that include Life & Executive Coaching & Hypnotherapy and combine it with Olloominating to endorse greater efficiency – a speciality with timely diagnostics
Here we encourage ways that balance intuitive & medicinal healthy living - incorporating greatest wellness into every aspect of life & work
We believe awareness is key to enjoy life more
Modern living can be so hectic. For this reason we highly recommend incorporating ways to better achieve a more balanced approach to living.
To be able to deal with life's stressors and manage one's anxieties, expectations and motivations we often Life & Executive Coaching and Hypnotherapy.
At RSN we take into consideration how mental, emotional and physical health is impacted by the atmosphere, pollutants, light sources and the effects of tech, telemetry, nanoparticles, infra-red, electrical and electromagnetics just to name a few. Medicinal practices do not truly fully understood how all of this is impacting one's body, our hearing, site or energy.
Reduce Stress Now promotes learning and assessing to breathe better to manage our stressors and anxieties, to understand the impact of climate change and to better be able to reduce one's carbon personally and collectively.
With rising heat and pollution it is imperative to better understand how we maintain our breathe, move and utilise our body and the role of our neurological awareness as it supports the entire global atmospheric circuitry of our body.
Post covid the realisation that we need to truly seek greater ways that support how we can learn to reduce our personal, industrial and collective carbon footprints and maintain our wellness.

We often take for granted that we have to balance how we are living and that extracting mining for energy resources, energy industries and seeking ways to create more electricity and power. We forget that we are an energy source and that we have to balance how we feel, think, live and move in order to stay motivated and energised.
With Life Coaching we primarily help clients to look at how the way you are living is impacting your life and vice versa. With Executive coaching we take into consideration how the stressors of work are impacting decision making and how to deal with people management.
Modern ways of living are in many ways our demise but essential to most of us and now balancing how we approach all energy resources including the human body is pivotal to human survival as is FO and counter-balancing the effects of toxicity and pollution and algorithms on the body.
Learning to live with increasing modern anxieties is a challenge and RSN seeks to help people to better mitigate and understand what contributes to creating a life of less impact and strategically seek ways to enjoy our lives more.
With Executive Coaching we seek to help with achieving one's goals within a work and career context and to achieve this with more efficiency, joy and enthusiasm. With Life Coaching it encompasses all aspects of living including possible work related issues, home life and expectations.
We also assist with Hypnotherapy which we believe is one of the greatest ways to achieve results for a a wide variety of situations. Hypnotherapy is when hypnosis is utilised to calm a person into frequencies whereby the so called unconscious mind can be more susceptible to change and transformation all with the persons awareness and control.
Facilitating Olloominating
We also utilise Facilitating Olloominating (FO) aims to help people to understand how their place in this world is important and how harnessing greater breathing to support one’s cells, immunity and become more oxygenated human beings is part of the fabric of saving this magnificent environment.
Just as all energy resources extract from the ground and atmosphere, each human extracts something from their surroundings, environment to maintain their life and lifestyle and FO helps to better modulate and utilise less energy to maintain one’s body and personal wellness which contributes to greater understanding of our individual and collective carbon footprints, and creates less impact on the environment and our health systems.
Depression & Anxiety
Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities.
According to some experts, Anxiety Disorders affect between 14-22% of the Australian adult population every year while Depression affects around 6% and it is rising.
It is important to realise that feeling down at times is a normal part of life however we need to understand that it is not healthy to remain this way.
Sad and upsetting events and thoughts happen to everyone, but if you are feeling down or hopeless on a regular basis, you could be dealing with depression.
It is not always easy to detect but if this sounds familiar to you, you owe it to yourself, your family and friends to become a better you.
Even if you have tried psychological help or hypnotherapy in the past, you can often get different results from different therapists.
Symptoms of depression differ somewhat depending on the different types of depression being experienced, but there are a few general symptoms that appear in most types of depression which can include:
Loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed
Desire to avoid social occasions or to go outdoors
A lack of desire to go anywhere
Feelings of guilt or worthlessness (often with no apparent logical basis that are ungoing)
Changes in appetite (either overeating or loss of interest in food)
Excessive tiredness
Changes in the speed of movement, to the point where it’s noticeable to others
Changes in sleeping patterns (either a reduced need for sleep or sleeping excessively)
Suicidal thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.
These symptoms are also characteristic of many other conditions, which, I believe, can sometimes lead to misdiagnosis and unnecessary prescription of anti depressant medication.
If you are looking for an alternative approach to dealing with your depression, please contact us on 044 777 0011
Or send an email to reducestressnow@bigpond.com to arrange a complimentary consultation.
We can discuss your challenges and develop a customised hypnotherapy programme suited to your specific requirement.

You & your Breathing Is Unique
Every human being has a unique way of breathing, carbon footprint and can generate healthier vitality and reduce toxicity just through breathing and moving differently and it is through facilitating olloominating (FO) that you can obtain your Olloominations and neurologically assist your body and be a part of the global movement to support yourself and this magnificent planet.
As human beings we actually all breathe differently and with every task, thought, feeling, behaviour, action and it changes with what you see, and within different environments.
We changeour perceptions and how we view things and therefore and maintaining a healthier breathe helps us to maintain healthier wellness and oxygen intake.
FO provides exciting prospects to enhance how you feel, breathing awareness and being more mindful neurologically aiming to condition oneself for greater wellness over time and reduce carbon emissions.
By being more aware of one’s own neurological breath, posture, thinking, moving and being healthier allows us all to be more actively driven to support your own health and by looking after your breathing means not only lowering our carbon but creating a healthier environmental flow on.
As rising toxicity, rising waste, rising pollution, rising in mining of uranium and dumping of toxic storage in landfills and oceans rises, as it does every year, with rising populations needs and climate change surges, we all have to have better understanding of how to control our breathing to better support our body.
FO aspires individuals and all workers towards greater national and trans-global sustainability as one’s nation’s real wealth is the currency of their health, culture, construction and relationships but maintaining this balance requires more sustainable homes and lifestyles and FO.
Underpinning Science &
Medicine– Olloominating Rocks
“Science underpins medicine and exploration starts with a process called hypothesis testing’. In other words, postulations and thoughts about what could be and what might work and in creative expression, dreaming and exploring ideas and possibilities creates science and so too Olloominating was born and continues to evolve.
As every new discovery involves first proposing an idea and then a hypothesis and then commencing exploring, experiencing, experimenting, measuring, testing, and delve into personal explorations here you can explore your personal Facilitating Olloominating and merge your body with therapeutic, holistic, medicinal growth and tech advances to meet your needs and lifestyle.
Reduce Stress Now and Facilitating Olloominating (FO) allows for individuals and people seeking this approach to explore and express how one feels and integrate this into life rather than wait for issues to occur by enhancing breathing and movement elements which can sometimes be different to one’s normal ways.
Science came about through everything that evolved before modern living and FO can simply to assist with healthier eye movements, to include pausing and being curious about one’s life, sensory systems and neurological make up and re-energise differently andhelping people to gain greater control over their breathing, heart rate and body.
Climate change, rising heat and tumultuous weather patterns, rising toxicity, rising waste and unprecedented health problems worldwide advised us to not risk waiting, but start doing and here at RSN we seek answers and understand that breathing is not just a breath of air that sustains the body but we are supported through vibrations and patterns frequencies flowing through us like the brain hertz.