About Us
We love helping and supporting people professionally and personally working with individuals, teams, families, companies and businesses through transformation and change.
We can assist with life and executive coaching and hypnotherapy to support with wellness which is underlined with neuro-psychological and therapeutic approaches and assist people both locally and worldwide.
As modern life and stressors are impacting our health, Reduce Stress Now specialises in helping in a niche range of services from helping in motivation and focus, reducing stress and anxiety to assisting with work interviews, resumes or marketing.
We believe that awareness is key as it is often difficult to identify why you are feeling stress or anxious. We can assist you to understand what is contributing and impacting your personal health, work, relationships and wellness.
We have over 30 years of experience, education and training in coaching, neuro-linguistics programming NLP, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, communication and business studies we aim to assist in supporting the changes necessary to achieve your desired outcomes.
It can sometimes take time to determine what may be hindering your well-being but we take our work seriously and take into consideration many issues with a combination of therapeutic and coaching models and approaches to assist people from all walks of life and backgrounds.
RSN aims to support an all-rounded mental health approach as medicinal research confirms we need to understand and help our body as it receives, emits and resonates information through our body. This includes mental, emotional and physical, through our breath, cilia, skin and all our systems affecting our thoughts, frequencies and vibrations.
It is our aims to help our clients to better understand the interfaces between mind, body and spirit and to be able to better cope better and create a lifestyle they want and desire.
The founder of RSN Sandra Hoffman has also studied CESS at the University of Cambridge and spent the last twenty years devising the technique called Olloominating. Olloominating Coaching is used in combination with other techniques in order to assist with greater breathing, focus and timely efficiency.
Sandra is also an accredited NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer, a Heartmaths Breath Coach, Certified in Hypnotherapy and System ISO 9001.
She is also a OHSE auditor and has a Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety and an Advanced Diploma in Communication.
She studied 200 hours with Deakin University and is an accredited Mediator and Meditation practitioner.
At Reduce Stress Now we are passionate about helping you achieve your goals, from relieving stress and anxiety to dealing with trauma, loss, grief, and addictions to live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.
We look forward to being of service to you on 044 777 0011.
Our Mission
Our missions is to help people by promoting life, wellness and executive coaching with Hypnotherapy.
We also promote the benefits of breathing better and Olloominating.
Call now for a free session and find out more on 044 7770011
We support the merger of science and instinctiveness and helping people to understand their uniqueness, breathing, movement, thinking and vibrational imprint and sensory systems.
These hold significant keys to your health, prosperity and enjoyment in life.
Our mission is to help people to understand their bodies better, create greater wellness and seek the best support medicinally, and psychologically to assist your body to create more optimum wellness and safety for all bodies’ chemically and otherwise.
Our mission is to help people to understand their uniqueness, breathing, and understanding that we all vibrate and breathe together and that this is imperative to life itself.
We are growing organically worldwide and welcome your support and interest.
About Reduce Stress Now…
from the founder
We are a group of people interested in wellness from all aspects that help people to live a life they love.
Personally after a lifetime of a multitude of health issues, to say the least having recovered from a malignant pancreatic tumour in 2008, a neurological stroke in 2013 and then having a breakdown in 2017 whilst trying to save Garvey Park in Western Australia from being developed into potentially over-crowded housing commission units on sinking wetlands, i needed alot of support.
Illuminating, meditation, yoga and seeking the best medicinal and therapeutic professional advice possible and supportive relationships were my saviours.
Previously I had many lives, and was a chef, investigator, safety auditor, sales coach and trainer and now promote wellness with Illuminating and its research and development.
I studied many things including psychology and did 200hours with Duke University in Neuroscience and created Olloominating a modern medicinal, therapeutic and psychological approach to help thrive in a world where speed and panic can often creep into our life.
I also studied communication, meditation, vibrational medicinal approaches and toxicology, and believe that people need to understand their body and the environment better.
Learning meditation in the 1970’s at the age of 9, never practising enough but loving it and finally becoming certified as a Yoga teacher in Vinyasa Yoga, certified Yin Yoga teacher and trained in Laughing Yoga (yes, it is a qualification ☺ These are all fabulous practices, with Laughing Yoga being my favourite as I often take things far too seriously and feel that we all need more laughter, and said to be created by a doctor in India and apparently practised by millions worldwide, and what better joy.
Copyright © 2021 Reduce Stress Now -All Rights Reserved. Please read disclaimer.

Recently I completed my CESS with Cambridge University and years ago I obtained accreditation as a mediator with LEADR, Lawyers Engaged in Dispute Resolution and studied Public Relations where we worked on projects for Amnesty International.
Life can be strange, unusual, painful, joyous, mystical and an exciting experience whilst we live and sometimes struggle, dramatically or simply attempting to transform our lives somehow.
The reality after Covid, is confronting and the need to connect is imperative. To not only survive but thrive, and enhance our wellness and that of others.
We look forward to sharing this new journey and supporting more sustainable vitality personally and for this magnificent planet and for the children and generations to come. kindest regards, Sandra